jeudi 28 novembre 2013

Cocaine Addiction Forms and Risks

If you even suspect a loved one of cocaine addiction, it is better to take action and find out you were mistaken than not take action and find out they are addicted. The consequences can be very serious.

So, how do you tell if a loved one is in the throes of cocaine addiction? There are many different ways of taking cocaine so the obvious symptoms differ. It can be snorted, ingested, smoked or injected.

Snorting cocaine (also known as freebasing), for example, can lead to the loss of the sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness and a chronically running nose. A sure sign is someone who is constantly sniffing. Snorting is a highly dangerous way of using it as the cocaine reaches the brain within seconds, resulting in an intense high but the euphoria quickly disappears, making the addict increase his use.

Smoking cocaine is probably the worst cocaine addiction there is and is considered to be the most addictive. Signs of use, however, are not that evident other than increased jumpiness, irritability or even paranoia.

Ingesting cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene due to reduced blood flow. This is more difficult to tell but if a loved one suddenly starts having bowel movement problems, abdominal pain and nausea, consider cocaine addiction as a possibility.

Those who inject cocaine can experience severe allergic reactions and, as with all drug users who inject themselves, they are at risk of contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases. This is easier to detect than those ingesting it as there will probably be visible needle marks.

Cocaine addiction leads to disturbances in the heart rhythm and can lead to heart attacks, chest pains and respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, headaches and gastrointestinal complications such as abdominal pain and nausea. Cocaine, having a tendency to decrease appetite, chronic users can become malnourished, which compounds the problem.

Binging on cocaine can lead to increased irritability, restlessness and paranoia. Paranoia is a sure sign that the user is smoking or snorting. Cocaine addiction can even lead to full-blown paranoid psychosis. Whatever you do, don't let be put on anti-psychotics because you will be switching them from a cocaine addiction to an anti-psychotic addiction plus the possibility of reversion to the cocaine as well.

Dealing with cocaine addiction is rather simple if you know what to do about it. The first thing is to get them onto a program that does not give them further drugs and can help them through withdrawal in the most effective and comfortable way using the correct vitamins and minerals that their already depleted body needs. There is a very specific method for handling cocaine addiction withdrawal that does not make them feel awful.

Once they are through the withdrawal, a good program would consist of getting the drug residuals out of their body in the safest and most effective way.

While they still have the drug residues in the body, they cannot think clearly and have low energy levels, making it impossible to grasp and understand the data they will need in the education part of the program.

Only after they have gotten rid of the drug residues in their body on the detoxification step of the program are they ready to continue with the rest of the cocaine addiction rehabilitation program.

The key things to look for in any cocaine addiction rehabilitation program is 1) comfortable, non-drug withdrawal, 2) a full detoxification program that rids their body of all the drug and toxic residues and 3) an educational aspect with the person being able to establish for himself why he became addicted in the first place and then working on the solution he has figured out from the education steps.

Cocaine Addiction, how can you spot it?

How can you tell if your loved one is subjected to cocaine addiction? Is it just teenage behavior or school pressure that is making them act "strange"? It can be confusing to watch someone and be uncertain about their behavior.

There are certain physical manifestations one can look for when someone is involved with cocaine addiction but what of the behavior manifestations? One thing to realize is that anyone using drugs - even medical ones - is that the majority of them have a mental affect as well. Basically, the drugs throw you out of present time into something else that your mind gets stuck on.

A person who is suffering from cocaine addiction can appear to be in the same room as you are, doing the same things as you are but he's only partially there. There's often a sort of glazed look about their eyes and they can appear to be a bit like a robot.

He's there physically but he isn't tracking with what's going on. He does not "get" what you're saying and when you tell him to take out the garbage, he may pick up the broom and start sweeping. If you scold him he thinks you're crazy because he's supposed to sweep. It all looks odd. It is odd to you. He's just not tracking. It appears that he hears what you're saying but when you look he's doing something completely different.

If there's some kind of team effort going on and everyone else is working on a project together, he gets in the way and does very odd things. You ask him to pass the hammer and he comes back with a spoon, or something equally inappropriate.

It's not that he doesn't know what's going on around him. It's just that he believes that everyone else is stupid or unreasonable and don't know what they're doing. Because they're not doing what he can "see" is supposed to be going on, everyone else is crazy. And, to be sure, you could easily start to believe that you're losing it.

The end result is that anything you give someone who is under cocaine addiction to do has to be corrected by others and this can consume an awful lot of time. Imagine how that would affect a company and its production.

If you're still trying to determine if your loved one is addicted to cocaine or not, these are additional things to look out for in their behavior. If you already know they're addicted, then action is required immediately. The cost in despair and relationships - never mind the financial - can be very expensive if cocaine addiction is not dealt with speedily.

Fortunately, there is a solution and cocaine addiction can be fully overcome. The only criteria are that a program that gets excellent results is found. How do you find one like that when there are so many of them? You ask questions.

The first question should be, "What are your results?" Ask for references and speak to others who have done their program. Find out if their methods are authoritarian, if they use any form of drug to get people off drugs, do they go through a full detoxification program. With cocaine addiction, the body stores particles of cocaine in the fatty tissue, along with other toxins. If these residues are not removed and the fatty tissue cleaned up, the person can revert to cocaine addiction in a week, a month, even years and years later.

The final question to ask is what they do to get your loved rehabilitated. This is apart from the physical rehabilitation and is a very key part of any program. He has to get full understanding of his own problem and why he became addicted in order to effect recovery and this needs to be done without anyone else interjecting their opinions.

He is the only one that knows after all. His rehabilitation and full recovery of his willpower is so dependent on this point that anything else will just continue to keep him in a position where he is subjected to the will of others and you want him to be able to say "NO!"

Cocaine Abuse: What Can Be Done?

Cocaine abuse has become the most abused major stimulant in the USA and statistics show that emergency room visits for it are increasing. Cocaine abuse has been around for as long as anyone can remember.

Derived from the "innocent" cocoa plant, it is considered the "champagne" of drugs, one of its street names. There is an array of street names describing the different uses.

There are various ways that an addict will use this drug, amongst them being snorting, smoking one of the derivatives known as crack or rock. Historically, cocaine was known as the rich man's drug. This is changing rapidly as teenagers have found a new sensation in mixing it with marijuana.

The highly addictive nature of cocaine makes it an extremely dangerous drug and many a user will tell you that they're not addicted. This is so far from the truth to be ridiculous. If cocaine abuse isn't a problem to the addict, how come they are still using it?

No-one would willingly remain addicted. The penalties are extreme. Deprive someone who is abusing cocaine of his "fix" for long enough and you will get all kinds of mental phenomena occurring as their "need" increases.

It leads to a life of misery as cocaine abuse will lead to crime, first within the immediate family circle, then to friends and then out into society, the consequences of which can result in being incarcerated without any real hope of a full cocaine abuse treatment program as they become subjected to the "court system".

As with any drug abuse situation, cocaine abuse is no different. There is a minefield of information on the 'net, with many diverse solutions. Just trying to unscramble the true facts from misinformation can create such indecision in one trying to get help for cocaine abuse that new problems arise. How do you decide what will work and what won't? How do you know what is fact and what is fiction?

Although cocaine abuse is considered to be a "mental" addiction and not a  physical one, the fact remains those residuals of cocaine or crack lodge in the fatty tissue of the body. If these are not dealt with, the person can experience cravings weeks, days, months or even decades later and revert to cocaine abuse or some other replacement abuse because they basically get "reminded" of the earlier "pleasures".

Once the physical aspects have been dealt with and are no longer having an affect on them, the next thing would be to help them get to the bottom of the reason they did it in the first place. Whatever those reasons are, they are known only to him and him alone. No-one can assume to know for anyone else what their problems are, no matter how much we observe them. You cannot see inside the person and it is very harmful to tell them what is wrong and what to think.

The only real road to full rehabilitation is for them to find their own reason and, once known, they can then be helped to resolve it and work on their recovery. They have to do it themselves and with the right tools and the properly trained folks ready and willing to do it, you will have your loved one back in the family fold, not as a liability to society but as a contributing member shouldering his share.

Alcoholic Drinks and Health Issues

Alcohol is an important component of many element of several societies for many years. Many believe that alcoholic drinks have flourished gatherings, parties, and other social celebrations. A number of individuals believe that alcoholic drinks should be served in social gatherings to give enthusiasm to certain events. Alcohol is produced when vegetables, fruits, or grains are fermented. Fermentation is a process which uses yeast or bacteria to change sugars in these items into alcohol. This substance is also used as cleaners and antiseptics.
Alcohol is a depressant that can act as a sedative drug and may slow down the nervous system. In small doses, alcohol can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Alcohol however may do more harm than good if overused. People who overuse alcohol may feel confused and disoriented. Too much alcohol in body may affect the brain and lead to poor coordination, faulty judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, blackouts. Alcohol can damage many organs in the body, it is absorbed directly in the bloodstream and raises the risk of acquiring life-threatening ailments like cancer. Extremely high doses of alcohol at one time can cause alcohol poisoning which can lead to coma or death.

Despite the adverse effects of alcohol, many individuals still engage in drinking this beverage for many reasons. Many teens and young people use alcohol because of curiosity, relax, fit in a crowd, and feel older. One of the reasons why many people are engaged in alcohol is the fact that from a very young age, children are exposed to advertising messages of alcohol. A number of advertisements of alcohol show people drinking alcohol enjoying life. While in reality, it is the exact opposite. Because alcohol damages the nervous system, drinking alcohol can may people do embarrassing things and look stupid acts like peeing on themselves or throwing up. Drinking alcohol may lead also develop bad breath and hangovers.

In addition to the health hazards of alcohol, studies show that almost many deaths among teens are alcohol-related. The use of greatly alcohol increases the possibility of teens and many individuals of being involved in car accidents, suicide or homicide.
Studies show that in every thirty minutes, someone dies from an alcohol related car accident. Driving while under the influence of alcohol can cause many health problems and affect body reactions while driving. People who are drunk may experience decreased amount of performance and judgment while driving. Drunk drivers are not the only ones who are in danger, these drivers may distribute danger to passengers, pedestrians, and other road users.

Alcohol disorders amplify suicide and risk, at least one-third if individuals who have committed suicide are alcohol dependent. In addition, suicide among alcoholics also seem to increase with age. A study released by Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research conclude that middle-aged and older alcoholics have higher risk to commit suicide than young adults who are alcoholics.
Consuming inappropriate amounts of alcohol puts individuals at risk for several health issues like cancer like cancer and diabetes. Alcohol may reduce the body's absorption of necessary nutrients. Many alcoholics do not partake in healthy diets, therefore further harming the body. The health effects of alcohol should not be taken for granted but should act as a reminder to drink alcoholic drinks in moderation.

Alcohol Treatment - Save Your Life

Alcoholism is not a problem that is exclusive to adults. Many teenagers find themselves addicted to alcohol even though the legal drinking age is twenty-one. The pressure to fit in with others and the pressure to be popular among peers may play a significant role in drug and alcohol abuse among this population. Eventually, many of these teens need to seek some sort of alcohol treatment to deal with the problem.

A significant number of adolescents between the ages of twelve and twenty are affected by alcohol abuse. When children this young begin abusing the substance there is a greater risk of developing a serious dependency that requires some sort of intervention and alcohol treatment to break the destructive pattern.

The problem can have serious ramifications on the adolescent’s development and future endeavors. The teen may find him self unable to function at school and he may have difficulty succeeding in his academic studies. It is crucial to diagnose and find alcohol treatment as soon as a problem is recognized.

Since the reasons behind substance abuse in teens are different than it is in adults, it is necessary to approach the adolescent differently. The reasons stem from different causes in teens than adults. Adults usually are trying to escape problems or relieve stress and anxiety. Teens are usually driven to drink through peer pressure. Alcohol treatment for teens is different than it is for adults because of the differing causes and developmental stages.

Alcohol treatment for teenagers should be age-appropriate and it should involve other family members as well. The family history of possible substance abuse may play a significant role in the cause of the abuse. The teen needs to consider his family history with the condition and the family needs to work together to achieve success.

Sometime alcohol treatment for teens requires a stay at a rehabilitation facility. This is required for the most severe cases. The success of the program hinges on the individual’s commitment to his own recovery. Professionals work with the teen around the clock to help him through the crisis.

Self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon and Alateen are very viable options for a teenager who needs alcohol treatment. The self-help groups are valuable because it gives the teens an opportunity to look up to positive role models and it serves as a kind-of support community. Hopefully, with early intervention, the teens can find a new outlook on their problems.

Alcohol Rehab When It's Necessary

Alcohol rehab has been made public through such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famous institutions that treat alcohol related issues. Alcohol rehab is important because it can bring back a promising life that is on the brink of disaster. When alcohol consumption becomes an issue, rehab may be the only option. Families have been destroyed, lives torn apart, and some people have lost everything over becoming addicted to alcohol.. Rehab can be the only option for some people. Their surroundings and friends can at times be environments that make drinking impossible to stop. For these people rehab may be the only option to quit drinking alcohol.

Alcohol rehab, although a Hollywood cliché, is actually an honorable action that anyone who sufferers from addition to alcohol can take. Rehab is a place that one can go to find a solution to a problem with alcohol that they can’t find on their own. Rehab helps educate and bring paradigm shifts to the person who may have never seen alcohol in a healthy light. The ultimate goal is to find what drives the person inside to drink alcohol in quantities that are unhealthy.

Alcohol rehab is an option that should not be left as a last resort. Checking into rehab at the onset of alcoholism may prevent serious civil consequences, such as loss of job, divorce, or tearing a family apart. Alcohol rehab has saved many lives in more ways than one. A life can be saved through a simple and effective alcohol rehab program. Education and environment can be achieved with the right alcohol rehab program. If you feel that someone you love may be at risk and may be able to benefit from alcohol rehab, don’t hesitate to look into what alcohol rehab programs are available in your area.

Alcohol Detox Even If You Are Just A Social Drinker

Your body may be sending you signals that you need to take a break from alcohol. It may be time to detox alcohol from your body if you are feeling run down and tired, having digestive problems or experiencing achy muscles. If you drink and party regularly and have any of these symptoms, a simple alcohol detox may be for you.

With repeated or long term use, alcohol can cause liver and kidney problems, addiction and weight gain. While drinking and partying often seem harmless, ingesting alcohol on a regular basis can lead to the build up of toxins and sugars and eventually to alcoholism, or addiction to alcohol. Overuse and dependence on alcohol can have serious health risks as well.

However, most of us don’t have a serious problem, and use alcohol socially. Even so, what can we do to limit the long term effects of alcohol usage?

In its simplest form, an alcohol detoxification program simply involves abstaining from alcohol for a period of time and allowing the body to eliminate all traces of the substance from the tissues and blood stream. Most healthcare professionals recommend at least one to four weeks of no alcohol. However, if you are a heavy drinker or suspect that you may be an alcoholic, cutting back or switching from hard liquor to wine for the first few days or a week may be easier for you to handle. Many people who have developed a dependence on alcohol will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms like sweating, trembling and an almost overwhelming craving for alcohol.

Allowing your body a “vacation” from drinking may eventually lead to healthier habits, as you experience increased energy and vitality after your body begins to recover. During this period, take the chance to also do a colon, liver and kidney cleanse. Many report an increase in energy, sexual drive and function and a decrease of appetite after the detox period.

Allow your body to recover and rest. Take a break from alcohol for a month and you may be surprised at how great you feel!

Alcohol and Drug Treatment

You find it everywhere, very often it's even a sign of "coolness" or a sign of quality life style. But you know...

Do you like an occasional beer, or maybe a sip of wine? It's no big deal in moderation. We all love to kick back with a fine wine or frosty brew. However, too many individuals take this perk to a whole new level. How much alcohol is too much? Well, if you don't know, then you might want to do a reality check. Don't make the mistake of becoming complacent with your social life. Too many college kids do this with drinking and partying. Suddenly they're downing a case a night just to stay satisfied. It's time to be aware, people. You have to control how much you drink and how often. If you don't, then you just may end up in an alcohol and drug treatment program. Sound good? I doubt it.

It's frightening how many people end up in such programs.

Back in high school I watched a number of kids drink like it was no big thing. Where were they getting all those booze? I mean come on; someone had to be supplying it to them. They were clearly underage at the time. Regardless of their source, they were chugging like there was no tomorrow. Some teens just think this is the only way to have fun. It works as an escapism I guess. It's their vehicle to a less stressful realm. Unfortunately it's not healthy. People need to focus their energy on more legal and safer routes to a good time. No one wants to end up in an alcohol and drug treatment program. Speaking of alcohol and drug treatment programs, a close friend of mine was in one. I met him about seven years back, while working at a video store. It took me a while to realize that he was only 20 years old. This shocked me when I found out because he was always carrying cases of beer in his car. He told me once that he drinks around 20 beers each night. I thought to myself, "God, this kid's an alcoholic, and he's not even old enough to buy it." That's nuts! However, there are many people out there in the same condition. Eventually he acquired the assistance of an alcohol and drug treatment program. These days he is alcohol free.

Do you or someone you love need the assistance of an alcohol and drug treatment program? If so, you can hop online now and find the answers you're looking for. There are alcohol and drug treatment centers in your area. Get that much-needed help today. This is your future we're talking about here.

You can beat alcoholism!

Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Mental Health

Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The DSM manual suggests that substance abuse there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use. To confuse matters worse the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine if alcohol and drugs are a problem include, excessive drinking/drugging, problems with the law, withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the hands, and so forth.

If a person drinks everyday of the week and relies on alcohol, then you are probably dealing with an alcoholic. There are philosophers who claim if a person needs a drink at breakfast, that he or she is an alcohol. Some philosophers claim that if you drink more than six-pack weeks then you are an alcoholic.

The fact is, most of the people nagging or evaluating alcohol and drugs has a problem them self or has gotten help someone in their lifetime to treat their own problems. Therefore, as you can see addictions, dependant alcoholics, and other types of alcoholics and drug addicts may alter. First all, any chemical that causes harm is a potential danger to your being.

In other words if you start out drinking when you are fourteen and continue through your lifetime without alcohol causing you trouble, or else landing you a spot in jail, then you are probably not an alcoholic according to few. The fact is the ones that are drinking and driving and getting caught are alcoholics according to the system although the level of alcohol in the blood plays a role in the determination.

The truth is the law sometimes over dramatizes and the system is out to make all the money they can, so we all might be alcoholics by the time they are done with us. Alcoholism and drug addictions are complex, in the sense there are too many misconstrued inputs and often the label is placed on individuals according to culture and history. If you parents drank alcohol then the system sometimes will claim you as an alcoholic.

The fact is, Jesus drink wine in moderation, so drinking in moderation is not a bad thing. The problem becomes a problem when the person has difficulty putting down the bottle and/or increases their intake as well as combining drugs with the alcohol to get an affect they was had. If someone will steal or lie to get alcohol or drugs then you know they have a real problem.

However, most alcoholics and drug addicts have bigger problems than addictions and this is often ignored. For example, people with mental illnesses often resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find relief of their symptoms. Now if a professional is treating this person for his or her diagnose and progress is moving along the person often feels healthy and the alcohol and drugs are out the door.

In my studies and opinions, I disagree with alcoholism and drug addictions if the person is able to stop once the mental illness is treated. This means that the person was suffering and the substances was a mechanism to help them cope.

On the other hand, if the person is treated for mental illnesses and his or her drug and alcohol habits continue, then I think you had better get out the chair and start talking ‘one day at a time.’ Alcohol was once known as the “Devils Drink.” The White men are the originator of the source, and since its beginning it has caused serious complications, including death, abuse, and other related crimes.

Drugs are optional since the system often makes them available by teaching individuals what the drugs contain. The root of all-evil is money, and if a person sees that he or she can gain, they may take advantage, but fall into a snare in between. The system is overwrought, since they put alcoholics and drugs addicts in jail and not seeking help for them.

The solution to humankind’s problem is helping and not hurting or promoting. If we can’t get along now, what makes you think you are going to heaven?

Alcohol Addiction and Cirrhosis of the Liver

Alcohol addiction is a crippling and debilitating disease that takes its toll both mentally and physically on individuals who suffer from it.  Alcohol addiction, in addition to having a myriad of other negative effects, also increases the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

The liver, the largest organ in the body, is essential for proper health and bodily functions. It removes and neutralizes poisons found in the blood, produces immune agents to help control infection, and keep s the blood free of germs and bacteria. In addition, the liver also makes proteins that regulate blood clotting and produce bile to help absorb both fat soluble volumes and additional fats.  Cirrhosis is the build up of scar tissue in place of normal healthy tissue, causing the flow of blood through the organ to slow or stop and impairing overall liver function. Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death by disease in the United States, and kills approximately 26,000 people every year.

Cirrhosis is often synonymous with chronic alcoholism, and alcohol addiction is one of the major causes of this disease, which typically develops after a decade or more of heavy drinking. The amount varies from person to person, but it has been shown that alcohol injures the liver by blocking its normal metabolism.  Cirrhosis affects the body in many ways, including edema and ascites, which occur when the liver loses its ability to make the protein albumin. As a result, water accumulates both in the legs (edema) and in the abdomen. (ascites)

Bruising and bleeding can also occur as a result of the liver being unable to continue regular production of the proteins needed for blood clotting. Jaundice, also, is a common side effect and occurs when the liver is not able to absorb enough bilirubin.  Another more serious side effect of cirrhosis brought on by alcohol addiction is the presence of toxins in the blood or brain, since a damaged liver is unable to remove these substances. Toxins can dull mental functioning and cause pronounced personality changes, and lead to coma and even death.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem but luckily, one that is also highly treatable with proper therapy and with the assistance of dedicated and trained professionals in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation setting.  While Cirrhosis does have many causes, it cannot be ignored that the primary cause of this disease is in direct correlation to alcoholism. Treating alcohol addiction, then, does more than just help the addict to control their current problem; it also, if done correctly, can aid in the prevention of future problems, conditions, and diseases.

Alcohol - Is there a comparison with hard drugs?

Alcohol is addictive. You will find many people who will argue with this statement, but alcohol fits all the definitions of a harmful and addictive drug;

1. You need to take more and more of it to get the same effect
2. Your body becomes physically dependent on alcohol.
3. People die from alcohol abuse

An alcoholic is someone who has become physically dependent on alcohol. Alcoholism is permanent, it can not be cured. An ex-alcoholic is simply one who has not had alcohol for a long time. If the "ex"-alcoholic has one drink they are hooked again and have to go through the whole drying out process again.

Alcoholism treatment centers allow the alcoholic to live in a supportive and alcohol free environment while giving up the drug. Psychological advice is available and group therapy sessions help many recovering alcoholics.

Alcoholics Anonymous are one group that holds support meetings for alcoholics. AA has groups in most towns and cities in most countries and many recovering alcoholics find the group sessions to be an essential part of STAYING a recovered alcoholic.

Given the toxic nature of alcohol, if the substance was discovered today, it would never be licensed as a drug or food. It is only the entrenched nature of the alcohol industry and the fact that so many jobs depend on it that make it politically unacceptable to ban alcohol. Does this sound similar to the excuses made by opium producing countries? Would there be pressure to legalize the opium if it was grown in USA, because of the jobs dependant on the crop?

Perhaps western governments need to grasp the nettle of alcohol before prosecuting the war on drugs abroad. Alcohol kills many more people on a daily basis than die of drug related crime or addiction.

Drug trafficking causes crime, as addicts try to get money to pay for their supply – Political issue

Alcohol abuse causes deaths of innocents by drunk drivers. Isn’t this a political issue, too?

Addiction Treatment Centers for Substance Abuse

There are many different types of addiction treatment or detox centers and each of them will have a different function and role in the detox process.  There will usually be a medical doctor present for each detox procedure that takes place in the detox center.  A medial staff is there to assist the addict in rapidly detoxing from the substance of abuse and to make the process as pain free as possible.  When a person enters a detox center they are usually doing so under the advice of their doctor.  Most detox centers will only take a patient that has been referred by a medical doctor.

An addiction treatment center is available for a variety of substance abuse problems.  These problems can include alcohol addiction, narcotic abuse, and chemical dependency.
Many times a person will enter a detox center and have multiple addictions that need to be dealt with.  In these circumstances a detox center will usually deal with all of the addictions so that the person can cleanse their body of all toxic substances at one time.

The more addiction that a person has when they enter a detox center the longer it will take for the substance of abuse to be flushed from the body and the more counseling and therapy a person will need once the detox center has helped them through the withdrawal of their addiction.

The Internet is a great resource for finding the best addiction treatment centers. In your search, you should focus on finding those centers with high success rates for treatment completion and long-term drug freedom. It's also important to find addiction treatment centers that have 24-hour supervision over their members. Remember: You want your loved ones to have their freedom, but drug addicts have typically not build up the self-control that's necessary to quit cold turkey.

Addiction Retreats

Addiction is a brutal development regardless of the vice. Addiction retreats offer unique treatment programs that are helping addicts recover.

Addiction Retreats

A new weapon in the battle against addiction has emerged recently. Instead of just working through a 12-step program, or being helped medically, a number of people who are having problems with addiction have chosen a different route. Addiction retreats have popped up in several areas of the United States, taking a new approach to helping those who have addictions to substances and other addictive behaviors.

One of the new addiction retreats that has started recently is the Essence Recovery Center, located in Asheville, North Carolina. This retreat offers an all-inclusive vacation-like feel, all while helping you to work through your problems with addiction. There are therapy sessions, which include individual "talk" therapy, as well as music and art therapy. They also offer massage therapy and acupuncture, which help to detoxify your body. Meditation, 12-step group programs, sauna and whirlpools, and even spa cuisine help to round out this holistic spa retreat. Week long programs and 28 day programs are available, and the spa is careful to point out that you should get your doctor's approval before starting this program, as it is not a medical program.

One of the addiction retreats located outside of the US is the Soukya Holistic Health Center in Bangalore, India. This retreat is one that combines many different health approaches, such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and Western (allopathic) medicine, in order to help people beat their addictions. With their approach including counseling, homeopathic remedies, relaxation techniques and more, they have earned the praise of people such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, a well-known doctor and philosopher from here in the US. Bangalore is known for having many English speaking residents and is a city that is often visited by US and British citizens. As with all programs, your doctor should be consulted before you start (or book your stay).

This new group of addiction retreats is sure to grow as more people discover the healing benefits of total body cleansing and relaxation. Whether you are in need of a long stay or just a short trip to rejuvenate your mind and spirit, these retreat centers offer more than just the usual massages and facials found at most other spas. They offer a new way of life and a new way of thinking, along with the luxury of a spa atmosphere.

Addiction is a scary thing and breaking it is a difficult task. Addiction retreats offer people the ability and time to break the addiction curse.

Addiction in Any Form is Abnormal

“Psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice” – is the medical definition of the term addiction. An addiction is an uncontrollably strong longing for something -  an abnormal kinky obsession for things.  A person with an addiction is called an addict.

Addiction is in fact a hydra-headed concept having different facets.  Medical researches and studies have divulged that every individual to some extent has an addiction.  People who have an uncanny pining or obsession for anything, are indeed addicted.  Medical studies have also revealed other forms of addiction besides alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

According to the medical community, generally there are two forms of addiction.  First there is the physical addiction, or physical dependence and psychological addiction. The second type is called pseudo-addiction.

Physical dependence: An addiction in which the addict becomes physically dependent on intoxicating substances or drugs.  People dependent on tobacco or smoking suffer from nicotine addiction.  Dipsomaniac people suffer from alcohol addiction.

Drug addiction literally means addiction to certain drugs.  A drug addiction is an extreme state of addiction resulting from drug abuse.  Drug abuse is a common practice where hard drugs are abused – for example cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, opiates (heroin, morphine and codeine) and laxatives - drugs derived from narcotics. There is a debate over the idea that freely-sold substances like alcohol and nicotine should be classified as hard drugs, as the both are linked with high mortality rates.

Psychological addiction: The term literally means getting psychologically addicted to certain things or practices. Sometimes there are people who are highly obsessed with practices like gambling, food, sex, pornography, computer, work, shopping, spending etc.  Therefore as absurd as this may sound, these people actually do in fact suffer from gambling addiction, food addiction, sex addiction, porn addiction, computer addiction, work addiction, shopping addiction, and spending addiction respectively.  People addicted to food consumption are highly preoccupied with overeating and overeating is food addiction. These people are sometimes mockingly dubbed as “food alcoholic”.  Narcissism is also a form of addiction.

Pseudo-addiction is the state in which a patient manifests drug-seeking behavior similar to psychological addiction; however, the patient experiences genuine pain or other symptoms in such cases.  Normal behavior is resumed as soon as the pain has subsided.

The physical dependence on a substance such as drug addiction, nicotine addiction and alcohol addiction can sadly often have direly fatal results.

An addiction in any form is the sign of an abnormality that requires immediate treatment. An addiction is a disorder, but it is treatable. There are numerous addiction help centers or rehabilitation centers providing addiction treatment, all over the world.  Standard drug addiction treatment may include behavioral therapy, medication therapy, or a combination of both.

People experiencing any symptoms of addiction should go forward for treatment before their addiction becomes significantly advanced.

Addiction: When Gambling Becomes a Problem

While most people enjoy casino gambling, sports betting, lottery and bingo playing for the fun and excitement it provides, others may experience gambling as an addictive and distractive habit. Statistics show that while 85 percent of the adult population in the US enjoys some type of gambling every year, between 2 and 3 percent of will develop a gambling problem and 1 percent of them are diagnosed as pathological gamblers.

Where can you draw the line between harmless gambling to problem gambling? How can you tell if you or your friend are compulsive gamblers? Here you can find answers to these questions and other questions regarding problem gambling and gambling addiction.

What is the Meaning of Problem Gambling?
Problem gambling or compulsive gambling is defined as an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite the destructive effect of gambling on the gamblers life and despite feelings of guilt and remorse. Problem gambling tends to have a negative effect on the gamblers financial state, relationships and daily life. Severe cases of problem gambling can be defined as pathological gambling.

Am I a Compulsive Gambler?
1) Do you gamble until your last penny runs out?
2) Do you gamble to win back your former losses or debts?
3) Did you ever had to borrow money to continue gamble?
4) Did your gambling habit ever made you lie to your friends or family?
5) Did you ever skip work or other obligation to gamble?
6) Do you tend to gamble to forget about your personal problems or to celebrate happy occasions?
7) Does gambling have a negative affect on your daily life or relationships?

If you have answered yes on at least one of the questions listed above, then you have a problem.

Can Anyone Become a Compulsive Gambler?
Theoretically, yes. Any gambler can develop gambling problem regardless to the type of gambling he is occupied with, the amount of money and time he is spending on gambling. Researches show that slot machines that can be found in bars and convenient stores are the most addictive type of gambling activity, while lottery draws and bingo games are located on the other end of the scale. Gambling addiction is an emotional problem; its symptoms, causes and treatments are similar to any other form of addiction.

How Can I treat Gambling Addiction?
1) Group Therapy:
Gamblers Anonymous offers a 12 step self help program similar to the one offered to alcohol addicts in Alcoholics Anonymous.  Group therapy also offers gambling addicts advice and support from professional counselors and other gambling addicts in different phases of their recovery process. Gambler Anonymous centers are available in more than 1,200 locations statewide.

2) Individual Therapy:
Cognitive or behavior therapy can help gambling addicts to identify their unaware thinking and acting patterns, which led them to gamble compulsively, and to replace them with controllable and healthier ways of thinking.

3) Psychiatric Medication:
It has recently been proven that antidepressant medications from the family of SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be affective in treatment of gambling addicts.

A Step Closer to Drug Addiction and Phobia Treatment

Scientists are now looking into solving drug abuse cases by studying on a certain medication that could possibly be the most effective drug for treating addiction. This specific drug is also known to control phobias. The US Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory provides further evidence that a drug known as D- cycloserine could play a role in helping to extinguish the craving behaviors associated with drug abuse, or specifically, with the addiction to psychotropic drugs. Their study found that mice treated with D-cycloserine were less likely to spend time in an environment where they had previously been trained to expect cocaine than mice treated with a placebo.

A graduate student from Stony Brook University working under Brookhaven Laboratory, Carlos Bermeo said that since the association between drugs and the places where they are used can trigger craving and/or relapse in humans, a medication that could aid in the reduction or even extinction of such responses could be a powerful tool in the treatment of addiction.

The D-cycloserine was originally developed as an antibiotic. But this drug has also shown to extinguish conditioned fear in pre-clinical (animal) studies, and has been successfully tested in human clinical trials for the treatment of acrophobia or fear of heights. This finding led the researchers to wonder whether D-cycloserine could extinguish drug seeking behaviors as well. Last 2006, a group of scientists not associated with the Brookhaven Lab tested this hypothesis in rats. They found out that D-cycloserine facilitated the extinction of “cocaine conditioned place reference”-- in which the tendency for the animals to spend more time in a chamber where they had been trained to expect cocaine than in a chamber where they had no access to the drug whatsoever. This study builds on the previous work and adds information on the drug dose effect, the lasting properties of the treatment, and the locomotor effects of this compound.

In the study, the group worked with C57bL/c mice. The animals were first trained to receive cocaine in a specific environment. Once conditioned, place preference was established (animals willingly spent more time in a cocaine-paired environment than in a neutral environment), the mice were treated with either D-cycloserine or saline and were allowed to spend forty minutes in either the previously cocaine-paired environment in which the drug was no longer available, or the neutral environment. According to one of their researchers, this paradigm would be analogous to a clinical approach where the addict is returned to their natural environment where drug use was done, but this time with no drug available. He added that reduced seeking of the drug in the same environment—that is the extinction behavior—is a great indicator of future success in treatment and reduced chance of relapse.

However, these researchers said that it is important to remember that these are very preliminary results from a small animal study, and much further research will be required before testing this drug in humans. Nonetheless, it is inspiring to know that this drug may show promise in treating cocaine addiction that continues to take a toll on society and for which no pharmacological treatment currently exists. Such research studies would take us a step closer in treating phobias, as well as drug abuse.

4 Tips For Smoking Cessation

Tip 1: Rise above the cravings

Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them. The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air. The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to rise above the craving, feel refreshed, and move on.

Tip 2: All the reasons to quit

Why do you want to quit? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren? Are you sick of the smell? Whatever your reasons are, write them down. Keep a daily journal of how you feel and in the very first entry list in bold letters every reason you have for quitting. List things like health reasons, expense, inconvenience, bad breath, or other reasons and make the list as long as possible. Also be sure to list how you WILL feel when you’ve kicked the habit.

Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly

After you complete your lists of reasons you want to quit and how you’ll feel after you’ve quit, make a list of the consequences of not quitting. Have other smokers in your family gotten cancer? Have they died? Do they have to speak through a hole in their neck? Will you be unable to pay off debt because you’re always buying cigarettes? Whatever you consequences, be sure to list all of them. As above, be sure to list the consequences (good consequences, of course) of quitting. Keep them to look forward to.

Tip 4: Break time!

Most smokers agree: a cigarette is a break. When quitting, give yourself breaks, but do something. Go for walk, eat a piece of fruit or drink some juice. This is critical because the body will be going through changes expelling all the accumulated poisons. The fruit will aid this process in many ways.

Good luck!

20 Signs that you may have a problem with booze.

You know that you have got a problem with booze when:

1 before every party or social occasion your partner asks you “not to drink too much tonight”.

2 you feel that everyone in your company drinks too slowly or doesn’t know how to let their hair down and have a good time – like you.

3 you are having extra drinks when you go to the bar, because (see number 2).

4 you hate going to any social occasion if there is no opportunity to drink.

5 you think about drinking constantly, can’t wait to finish work to go and have a drink, can’t wait to be finished ..anything.. to go and have a drink.

6 you hide alcohol around the house, garage, office, wherever.

7 you lie about how much you drink and how often you are drunk, always minimising the amount.

8 you can’t, or find it difficult, to set a limit on the number of drinks and keep to it.

9 you drink too much at inappropriate times, embarrass your family, friends and self.

10 you feel guilty about the night before and have difficulty looking people in the eye.

11 your hands shake in the morning

12 you feel sweaty on waking and for most of the day

13 the previous night’s drinking is a bit of a blur, or worse still a blank.

14 your partner increasingly criticises your drinking

15 your friends increasingly criticise your drinking

16 your co-workers and/or boss increasingly criticise your drinking

17 you don’t count your money in dollars or ponds but in the number of drinks that it will buy

18 you are always the last of your group to leave the bar and the first to suggest another bar or another drink somewhere else.

19 you find it increasingly difficult to talk to people or socialise without having had a drink.

20 you want a drink as soon as you wake up

If you experience a couple of them occasionally it does not necessarily mean that you have a problem with booze.  It is when these signs are regular features of your drinking that they are significant.  We can all overindulge on occasion but if these occasions are becoming more frequent and you are experiencing an increasing number of these signs then maybe you need to take a hard look at your lifestyle and your drinking.  Also you do not need to be experiencing all of these signs to have a problem, a few of them is more than enough.  If you do feel that you need help check with your family doctor sooner rather than later.  Like most problems, drinking problems are easier to treat when they are detected early.

3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction

3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction
Ok, someone you love and care about has a Cocaine Addiction Problem.  Now what?

At this point many thoughts will go through your mind.  Most people actually follow a common series of thoughts, believe it or not.  The first thought is denial.  The addict actually goes through this several times as well.

When the actions of the Cocaine Addict make this impossible to consider further, the next thought is that there is only a minor problem, not a drug addiction.  This is where the majority of Cocaine Addicts fail to get the help they really need.  It is the extreme exception that someone is a true casual cocaine user.  There are no casual crack users as this is clearly the most addictive drug known to man.  So the answer is clearly a cocaine addiction program.  But how to you choose the right one?

Ultimately, you want your loved one back. You want that person free from drug addiction. You want that person to live a healthy and productive life.  The answer is the right drug rehab program.  But how do you find that one?  The answer is actually much easier than most people think.

The majority of people do look into a number of drug rehab programs before making a selection.  However, no one really knows the right questions to ask.  In fact, because most people really have no understanding of effective drug rehabilitation, they actually eliminate the right program very early in their search.  This is unfortunate simply because all that time and money invested then becomes a waste.

There are only 3 issues you need to address for any drug rehabilitation program to make sure your loved one is getting the best and you are getting not only your money's worth, but your loved one off drugs for good.

#1.  What is the Program Success Rate?

This is clearly the most obvious question to ask.  What few people know is that the very best programs have a better than 75 success rate and try to convince you that this is somehow the best that can be done.  Obviously, these programs are a waste of time and should be avoided.  All you need to know is to look for the program with a 75% success rate or better.

#2.  What is the Drug Detoxification Method?

Any Drug Rehab Program that you would choose simply must have some sort of drug detoxification method.  This is an absolute requirement if there is to be any serious chance that the addict will really get off drugs for good.  The single greatest cause of relapse was drug residuals remaining in the body.  This is why a drug detox program is required.

All drug detox methods are not the same.  There are many detox methods that are very expensive, but no better for the addict.  There are several hospital monitored detox methods that are not only very expensive but may also put your loved one into a coma-like state for a day or more.  You want a simple, risk free drug detox program and the best of this is the time-tested sauna based detox method.  This is not only the lowest cost method, but offers nearly zero risk to the addict.  The drug rehab program that uses this approach is more concerned about getting your loved one off drugs permanently than trying to make a profit from you.

#3.  What Guarantee do you offer with your Program?

Only the best programs will offer a rehabilitation result guarantee.  Most people have never heard of this simply because so few programs actually offer it.  You know that a program that will offer not only a medically safe drug detox, but extensive life skills training plus a long term follow-up program really cares about addicts.  But a program that offers all this and a guarantee where the relapsing addict is re-treated at no additional cost really has the best interests of your loved one in mind.  This is a program that is more concerned about the full rehabilitation of your family member back into the family and society than making profits.

If you simply use the above three questions in your rehabilitation program search, you will find the right program for your loved one, simply, easily and quickly.